Wednesday, December 22, 2010


This lunar cycle has proven stressful. The captured Yllys has broken free of its bonds no less than four times and each time required an entire platoon of Toten Broni with thick cable netting to cull it back into its pen. How it manages to do this is as of yet undetermined, however it is my speculation that since it is happening once every tenth day that some important event provokes the Yllys to rage during these days, it should be noted that these days coincide with the changing of the two moons above.

The interrogations have proven less than fruitful, as each attempt to contact this vulgar joke of sentience ends in snarls and threatening barks. I am undeterred. I have taken the Honorable Vilsed's teachings to heart and have attempted to be kinder to the Yllys than the others, but I am still not treated any differently. There was one successful contact that was tantamount for the demand of food after we starved it for a period. I notice that after the lacing of drugs in the food that the Yllys no longer eats the food we give. Felsi forgive me but they may prove more intelligent than we give them credit. However crude that intelligence may be, it is at least clever enough to evade our most persistent of techniques for contact.

After another attempt of freedom something gave, not in the Yllys, but in the Toten Broni  in charge of guarding the creature, they claimed that they would never go near the Yllys again and as they disobeyed orders I had them fall on their blades. They glady went to the task. I had the idea that exposure to the creatures somehow affected the mind, so I investigated this hypothesis and spend more time with the beast. It would pace continuously as I sat near the pen, it kept my gaze just as intense and ferocious as ever. I began to feel ill after the fourth day of my self-appointed task and on the fifth it made contact.

It snarled at me as it 'spoke' and I got the sudden impression that it was female. "Release me", was all it said. I was so taken aback by the suddenness and directness of this interaction that I was almost compelled to do so. I realized now that to Toten Broni guarding this animal were more afraid that they would obey it than they were of their own deaths, and that thought scared me most of all.

"I could not do that even if I were able to," I answered.

"Lies!" it barked at me, "I know you are in charge! I have gleaned that from your minions, now release me!"

Most clever indeed I thought to myself and was surprised when she mocked me for my musings and I was all the more intrigued.

"We are smarter than you demon invaders, and your cowardice is pitiful. The Braagan clan is fierce and powerful, and they will crush your throats in their mighty jaws for your tainting our land." She looked prideful, and that would bring her to her doom.

"If they are so strong, why is it they have been beaten back by our Toten Broni time and time again?" I inquired, I could see her falter for a half a moment and her pride vanished.

"It is your taint, the foul Sac Senu you bring with you, your cowardice is unmatched by relying on it. And when my clan comes to rescue me again you will be destroyed and your plague washed in your own blood." She tried to regain her pride, but I could see right through her attempt to save face and crushed it.

"Then why is it that they have not come once in this last cycle? Have they abandoned you to your doom?" For a single moment all ferocity left her and was replaced with shame and fear.

"They wait for the right time. They will come for me, and you will die." I nodded mockingly and stood to leave, I had what I wanted. Vilsed would be proud, I have made a crack into her defense and all it took was a crack to gain victory. I went to make my report and slept soundly all night.